A note about Meditation and Spiritual Practice

A Note about Meditation and Spiritual Practice

 As we are moving rapidly through the beginning of this Aquarian age, we are seeing a rapid increase in spiritual practice, such as meditation. This is fantastic and hugely positive. 

What can happen, unless you are very determined, is that it can be really frustrating. You joined a class and it all seemed really positive but 6 weeks in your wondering why you’ve not had any of the experiences that the others in the group talk about. Here are a few tips…..

To achieve the ‘blissfull’ state that is talked about could take years, or it could happen the first time you meditate and be an incredible experience. It may then never happen again.

Meditation is NOT about achieving a blissful state. A blissful state can be achieved and it is amazing to experience, but that is not why you meditate. It’s the old adage of “it’s the journey not the destination”

Very briefly (I will be releasing an article looking at this in more detail soon), we are not individuals on this planet, we are part of a collective consciousness and this is where we come from when we are born and where we return when we die. Our purpose of being here on this 3 dimensional world is to have an experience of separation and individuality. This is where the Ego comes in – again more about this in another article. The ego allows us to draw comparisons to everything and we can see how we ‘measure up’. It’s why everything is a duality – hot/cold, high

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